Why is cloud CCTV essential for any security system?

What is the first thing a burglar will do before and when they break into a house? Disable your alarm system? Dismantle your CCTV system? Check out this article from Bristol Post that shows how useful cloud CCTV cameras can be.

We at Mission Tech have countless success stories of catching the burglar at their tracks with our secure and reliable state of the art Cloud CCTV camera system.  iVideon has 2 million users globally and is rated 4.5/5 on Google and Apple App stores.  Try out iVideon for free by buying and iVideon Cloud camera @ promo.missiontech.com.au

Recommending Frame Per Second (FPS) settings for optimum performance of IP CCTV cameras

iVideon has an extremely user-friendly cloud CCTV platform that allows customization of camera settings to maximise performance while minimising hardware and internet resources.  One of the settings is the frame rate of recording termed as FPS.  FPS stands for Frame Per Second and refers to the number of 'pictures' captured by the camera.

The question remains as to what is the most suitable FPS setting for my camera?  The following  YouTube video provides a comparison of the different settings.  As for my recommendations, I think 12fps is prime!

iVideon Distributor Appointment

We are proud to announce that Mission Tech has been appointed ivideon distributor. This allows us to grow ivideon's business by appointing partners. Join us to enjoy increased profits and revenue share for your business.  Click here to find out more.

Information taken from Crunchbase (https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/ivideon#/entity)